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  • Our School | My Site

    OUR SCHOOL Visión y Valores La facultad, el personal, los padres y la comunidad de la Escuela Intermedia Hialeah creen que todos los niños pueden aprender y ser miembros productivos de la sociedad. Junto con el rigor intelectual y los altos estándares académicos, la Escuela Intermedia Hialeah se compromete a producir pensadores críticos y compasivos, aprendices de por vida y participantes informados en los asuntos locales y mundiales. Mission Students at Hialeah Middle School will be afforded a safe learning environment that fosters educational excellence, promotes a climate of mutual respect, celebrates multicultural diversity, recognizes individual and team achievements, and enables everyone to feel emotionally and socially sheltered. DIRECTORIO DE PERSONAL Mrs. Trillas PRINCIPAL Sra. Padrón PRINCIPAL William Couselo, JR. Principal's Assistant Ileana Sánchez empleado de asistencia Neybis Carreno Registrar Lissette Cruz Especialista en participación comunitaria Daymarit González Beltrán Tesorero Servicios Estudiantiles Alexandra Carrera Counselor Yanelis Cordova Counselor Tamara García Presidente de pruebas/SCSI Artes del Lenguaje/ELL Chenessa Mercancías Jefe de departamento Deborah Arca Teacher Víctor Marrón Maestro Victor Brown Teacher Lissette De la Torre Teacher Berna Jiménez Maestro Maria Martin Teacher casandra mederos Maestro Amanda Rosario Teacher Pilar Soler Teacher Matemáticas marina medina Jefe de departamento Viviana Arias Maestro yuridelkis colina Maestro Idalmis Donderiz Maestro maximina garcia Maestro Ciencias ​ Jeannete Couselo Jefe de departamento Mabel Pino Maestro Dalgis Rosales Maestro Jessica Gonzalez Teacher Dayami Gutierrez Teacher Soleil Lobato Maestro Soleil Lobato Teacher Jorge Trujillo Teacher Ciencias Sociales Rolando Lobato Jefe de departamento Rolando China Maestro Jonathan De la Torre Teacher marcas de petirrojo Maestro Luis Portela Teacher Mirta Rodríguez Maestro Mercedes Stepney Teacher Electivas Carlos Alayeto Teacher Marcos Álvarez Maestro Rafael Alvarez Teacher Darleimy Diaz Teacher david pato Maestro Jennifer Gomez Teacher/Media Specialist Mellanie Malik Teacher Cassandra Mederos Teacher cristina napoles Maestro Patreece Perry-Pelt Maestro Miguel Rasch Maestro Pilar Soler Maestro Educación especial Lissette Álvarez Maestro Andrés Peña Maestro Alejandra Pena Program Specialist gloria rodriguez Especialista del programa Gaylene Coicou Maestro Blanca Pérez Maestro david pato Maestro Lázara Pérez Maestro anette gort Maestro pamela robinson Maestro Grissel Nodarse Maestro Deborah Ross Maestro Programas Magnet Marcos Álvarez Maestro Carlos Alayeto Drama Teacher Darleimy Diaz Dance Teacher cristina napoles Maestro

  • Magnet Programs | My Site

    Apply To Our Magnet Programs Today! Applications are accepted October 1st to January 15th CLICK BELOW TO CREATE A NEW OR ENTER EXISTING ACCOUNT M-DCPS PARENT PORTAL INFO

  • Academics | My Site

    FOREIGN LANGUAGES PROGRAM The Hialeah Middle School Foreign Languages Program provides a comprehensive education combining high academic standards with accelerated instruction. Students receive specialized foreign language instruction that meets high school graduation requirements. ACADEMIES Hialeah Middle School has different academies to provide choices within these specific areas. We encourage students to try new things and cultivate new interests by selecting a variety of classes. IPREP iDream, iDare, iDo. These three little words that are packed with hope and possibility are the mainstay of our philosophy at iPreparatory Academy (iPrep). iPrep is an International Education and Global Focus Academy that incorporates innovative teaching strategies in a technology-rich environment. HIGH SCHOOL CREDITS The school offers high school courses to provide an accelerated and challenging coursework to students. The students may complete graduation requirements early, and take college classes in high school. VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTS ELECTIVES The Hialeah Middle School Visual and Performing Arts Electives Program provide a comprehensive education combining high academic standards with creative expression. Students receive specialized arts instruction that allows them to develop their own artistic vision for high school and beyond. Robotics Engineering and Technology The demand for skilled workers in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) is closely linked to global competitiveness. Robotics, SECME and Computer Programming are clubs that encourage the students to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. STEM CLASSES AND CLUBS The demand for skilled workers in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) is closely linked to global competitiveness. Robotics, SECME, Computer Programming and Agricultural Science encourage the students to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. ACADÉMICA

  • Contact | My Site

    CONTÁCTENOS Calle Terry François 500 San Francisco, CA 94158 HORAS DE OFICINA Visita la Escuela DIRECCIÓN PHONE NUMBER (305) 681-3527 7:30 a. m. - 4:00 p. m.

  • Home | My Site

    Apply To Our Magnet Program Today Applications are being accepted October 1st to January 15th Summer305 IMPORTANT LINKS STANDARD RESPONSE PROTOCOL ​ Important Information for Parents and Guard ians ​ esp añol ​ kreyol Miami-Dade County Public Schools Curriculum Bulletin 2024-2025 ​ 2023-2024 Subject Selection Forms: 6th , 7th , 8th Pop n Prep Tutoring: English , Spanish , & Haitian-Creole District K-12 Comprehensive Evidence-Based Reading Plan Inspection report Programas Magnet Información del programa Contáctenos Escuela secundaria de Hialeah ​ 6027 este de la séptima avenida, Hialeah, FL 33013 305 - 681 - 3527 Teléfono 305 - 681 - 6225 Telefax Principal Nelson González Asistente principal Cynthia Padrón Fechas importantes

  • Title I/EESAC | My Site

    Title I & EESAC Title I PARENT/FAMILY ENGAGEMENT PLAN: English , Spanish , Haitian/Creole SHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (SIP) TITLE I PARENT NOTIFICATION FLYER TITLE I PARENT COMPACT TITLE I PARENT MEETING TITLE I PAC/DAC REPRESENTATIVES EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE SCHOOL ADVISORY COUNCIL The Educational Excellence School Advisory Council (EESAC) is the sole body responsible for final decision making at the school relating to the implementation of the components of the School Performance Excellence Plan. The EESAC's function is to bring together all stakeholders and involve them in an authentic role in decisions which affect instruction and the delivery of programs. (Excerpt from M-DCPS System Accreditation webpage) EESAC Document

  • Students | My Site

    ESTUDIANTES Clubes y actividades ¡En la Escuela Intermedia Hialeah, ofrecemos una variedad de clubes y deportes para que los estudiantes se unan! ​ ​ ​ Los clubes incluyen: QUE ESTES BIEN BIBLIA FBLA FEA TEJIDO DE PUNTO NÁUTICO NJHS SECME MODA 5000 MODELOS A SEGUIR Los deportes incluyen: BALONCESTO ANIMADORAS GUARDIA DE COLORES A CAMPO TRAVIESA BAILE FÚTBOL DE BANDERA FÚTBOL SOFBOL ATLETISMO VÓLEIBOL Counselor/Student Services Ms. Carrera Students Name: LEF - Z Important Links National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK(8255) or text; for spanish, call 1-888-628-9454, for deaf or hearing impaired, call 1-800-799-4889. For chat ​ Jewish Community Services of South Florida (JCS) Helpline Services 2-1-1 Helpline (24/7) or (305) 576-6550 ​ National Crisis Text Line 741741 ( ) ​ The Parent Academy ​ Mental Health Assistance Line (305) 995-7100 M-F 8am to 4pm ​ ​Project Upstart: Project UP-START, under the Department of Title I Administration, is the Education Program for Children and Youth Living in Transition in Miami-Dade. The program assists schools with the identification, enrollment and attendance of students in transition to help ensure their successful academic achievement. The core of the program is to prevent children and youth in transition from being stigmatized, separated, segregated, or isolated. For detailed information about Project UP-START, students’ eligibility criteria and the support services available to all students enrolled in the program, please click on the tabs above.​ Ms. Cordova Students Name: A - LED Información importante ​ PORTAL ESTUDIANTIL ​ POLÍTICA DE UNIFORME ​ CÓDIGO DE CONDUCTA ​ BOLETÍN DELPLAN DE ESTUDIOS ​ ​ MANUAL PARA PADRES Y ESTUDIANTES ​ ACCESO GRATUITO A LIBROS ELECTRÓNICOS Y AUDIOLIBROS ​ CALENDARIO IMPAR/PAR ​ PLAN DE ACCIÓN DEL COMITÉ DEL EQUIPO ESCOLAR DE BIENESTAR ESCOLAR/ SALUDABLE

  • | My Site

    Nuevo Reglamento de Seguridad ​ Primer nombre Apellido Dirección de correo electrónico Fecha de nacimiento Do you have a doctor’s permit to participate in intense physical activities? No Yes Have you lost your consciousness in the last past 12 months? No Yes Iniciales Fecha Declaro que la información que he proporcionado es exacta y completa Enviar ¡Gracias por enviar!

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